About Mari
Mari Uusitalo, CEO and Founder of Irresistible Communications, is a bestselling author, coach, mentor and facilitator and a very passionate entrepreneur helping entrepreneurs stuck in the beginning phase of their business or wanting to invigorate their current business.
Irresistible Communications is an online coaching and training company which specialises in service-based businesses, especially coaches, in helping them move past their launch phase, to get more clients and make more money consistently in their business.
Our Business Coaching Services are suitable for entrepreneurs who need to build their business from the ground up with a good and healthy business foundation all the while making money and growing their business.
We also offer a wide range of online courses and master classes designed explicitly for the service providers who feel a bit scattered and not organised in their business. Who feel overwhelmed by all there is to learn about marketing and are not feeling sure where to focus next. Often this has lead to inconsistency in their marketing, and therefore, they are not experiencing the business success they desire.
Our trainings provide a step by step plan, systematic marketing automations, structure and proper support to implement the plan. Hands on support has proved to be a vital component to prevent the most common entrepreneurial issues such as overwhelm, procrastination and self-sabotage. That is why our support entails done-for-you services and extra attention to the personal growth and mindset aspects of the entrepreneurial journey.
The positive results of our work are known to show up in all areas of the entrepreneur's life. The business successes our clients are experiencing are based mostly on proper marketing systems in place, getting in front of their ideal clients, filled practices, consistent income, happiness and fulfilment in their work serving their clients and creating an impact in the lives of those who they serve.