Proven Strategies to Successfully Make Money from Home

I belong to a Facebook Group that has multiple ongoing questions about making money from home. I understand the problem entirely, and I feel it is very legitimate in regards to making money. However, when putting it into the context of moving forward with your life mission or discovering what it is your life purpose, there hardly is a worse question with what to torment yourself. So if you are in this predicament, it is time to release you from that thought and dig a bit deeper to figure out your next move.

What you need now is clarity

First, I want to tell you, that you are not alone with this issue and there will be a solution available for you. You would not be asking this question unless the resolution were not available. Second, I am not just a random person writing about this; I choose to take my time with this topic because helping women Entrepreneurs discover their life purpose is something I have dedicated my business to for a past decade. Third, everything I am recommending for you today is free without any obligations and at your disposal if it speaks to you.
What I always hear in this line of questions is a sense of urgency making money, but without the burden of "9 to 5". Starting a business is not something that happens in a heartbeat - however, it is possible to start making money quickly and to figure out how to create your first money stream, two things need to happen: A deep look into your background and experiences and a will to implement in the lightning speed. Both of which are rather difficult to do on your own devices.
If you are on your own, know that life leaves us clues. You can rest assured, that we all have something other people will find valuable. You have it. I have it. Everyone does. Always.
Then there is a question of entrepreneurship. If you are willing to start your own business or not, there are plenty of jobs you can be hired for and work from home. I specialise in women who are starting their business, so I am going to assume, that you are willing to begin your entrepreneurial journey. With that, I want to congratulate you, it is exciting and one of the most significant decisions you will make in your career. It isn't for a faint of heart, but rewards of creating your purpose-driven life has been the most rewarding experience I have had. It has allowed me to raise my two children to adulthood from home and allowed me to relocate to another country to follow my husband's job. It is super exciting to me that I can travel pretty much to any country on the planet and have an entrepreneurial sister welcoming me with open arms. Work-wise the things that fulfil me the most are the clients I have been able to serve. There is nothing like being able to witness your client's life purpose lift on its wings. It brings tears to my eyes to think about the amazing women, who have allowed me to be part of their journey.
The reason I am writing about this is to help you rise above your current question. To help you shift your mindset from "How to make money from home" to questions like:
What have I overcome? Whom can I help? What makes me happy? What is something I can do that someone else has no idea how to do? Also, then move towards the questions like who comes to me asking for help? What kind of support do they ask? Who am I here to serve?
Answer these questions by taking some time for yourself and journal. Find a peaceful moment, make yourself comfortable, shut the distractions like radio, tv, do this when kids are on their nap or have gone to bed, put your phone on mute. Sit down with the pen and diary and an intention to find clarity in your next step. You have all the answers within you, and your next step will reveal itself to you. I promise.
It has worked with every person I have ever helped with this. Let go of the idea of knowing exactly what to do or what the solution is; you only need your next step.
I am a big believer in the mindset work, so to tap into the wealth of knowledge about your divine purpose, here is a link to the Connect To Your Divine -meditation to help you get in the headspace of receiving the information you need. I created it a few years ago for exactly this purpose.
Link to free meditation:-

I want you to understand, that you will not start your business in a way that it is all set and ready and begins making you money consistently immediately, so it is essential to separate your thoughts around making money and what it is that you actually will be doing.

I am just going to put this out there - fully aware that it may irritate you. See, in the very first instance, you will not need a business to make money. It is very rarely a case that it will.
If and when you need cash, allow yourself to make money, without judging where the money is coming from, whether it is selling your old stuff, mowing the neighbour's lawn, minding their kids or tutoring a student. Do this without judgment. It is okay to take on a part-time job to carry you over the time of difficulty. Things happen in phases. The key is to trust the process.

Now here are the resources I promised you:

Like I said, figuring everything out by yourself is difficult. You don't want to go through the big decisions without support. This is me supporting you:
The link to book a free, no obligation clarity session with me:-
OR if you already have a business but feel stuck or need to get to the next level use this link to book a free Business Assessment for your next step on your entrepreneurial journey.
A free subscription of my magazine for purpose-driven women entrepreneurs:-
With the subscription, you will get the inaugural issue first and then the next issues that will get published in the future. The inaugural issue form a couple of years ago is pretty much all about discovering your life purpose and tells a story of my journey as well.
I also have a free course called 15 Acts Of Freedom that takes you through a journey of discovering your life-purpose - taking a leap and then living the purpose-driven life
If you want to take part in that, you can join our Passion & Purpose Facebook Group to get full access:-
Trust me when I say, there is a solution for you, you are not alone, and everything you need to know is already within you. Have faith and confidence you will find your path. If you lack faith in yourself, borrow mine, because I have faith in your ability to create a life of your dreams. I know it is in you, as it is in me and everyone else.
Move forward with confidence.
Much love,
P.S. Liked this article? Here is something hot off the press from Mari:
Letters To The Entrepreneur -ebook is a collection of letters from a woman living in extraordinary times in special circumstances raising two foster kids and balancing between the dreams of the motherhood and running a business. How the decade long journey wasn't a lonely one, instead filled with countless inspiring people from the past and the present pulling her forward at times when she least expected it and at times when she was ready to let her dreams go.


It is written to a woman like you, who keeps going and keeps growing no matter what. If you want to read my story, I would be honored by your willingness to spend this time with me and point you in this direction to get the book: 

Mari xxx

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